Message from President and CEO
Our Company, Shokuyu Tanker Co.,Ltd. (hereafter Shokuyu Tanker) was established in 1967 as a domestic shipping company, and has a history for over 50 years.
For over the past 50 years, under the proper leadership of Shokuyu Tanker's management, we have been steadily expanding trade lanes and its fleet and now owns about 30 vessels which are dedicated to domestic, intra North East Asia and Northbound / Southbound trades in Asia.
Shokuyu Tanker continuously managed to present profit earnings every year while we saw strong fluctuations in the market. Stable management and positive objectives have always been the priority to the company.
Such sustainable platform together with “Frontier Spirit”, well acting as two wheels, Shokuyu Tanker always has been thoroughly pursuing safety and strict risk managements. While complying with laws and regulations, with strong concerns on conservation of global environment, which all have been necessary to become a company desired by our stakeholders and the society.
With above, we look forward to your continuous support as always and from now on.
Toyama Naoto
President and Chief Executive Officer